additional services

Because Arrow Health believes in integrated care, we provide a variety of services beyond just traditional chiropractic treatments.

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dot exams

Commercial drivers need semi-frequent exams to keep their health cards up-to-date. We can help with that!

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newborn screenings

At Arrow Health, we have a special place in our hearts for newborns, and for giving them the best possible start when it comes to their health.

our practitioners

  • chiropractic

Dr. Lindsey

Dr. Lindsey strives to help her patients achieve their optimal health, naturally. She is truly diversified in her approach… Read full bio >


some questions you might have

Will you take my insurance?

Arrow Health is in network with the majority of insurance companies. Not every service is billable to insurance, such as massage therapy. We can easily call on your benefits and determine coverage ahead of time. 

What can I expect with my first adjustment?

Will the adjustment be painful? This is a common question that concerns many first time chiropractic patients. Fortunately for most, the answer is “not typically”. 

Do you have to “crack” me?

In short, the answer is no. We don’t have to “crack” anything to successfully adjust a joint in the body. Many joints don’t even make noise when they are adjusted. The technique often thought of when an adjustment causes noise is with a manual adjustment of the spine. For those that don’t like the noise or for those that shouldn’t be adjusted that way there are alternative and effective options such as Activator or Thompson drop techniques available. Dr. Lindsey explains more in her blog: What is that noise during a chiropractic adjustment!?

Do you treat children?

Absolutely! Dr. Lindsey is a member of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and confidently works with children of all ages from newborns to teenagers.